About me

Hi! I am Yuan and I am now actively open to jobs. I just graduated from USC master in ECE (Machine Learning and Data Science). During my master, I worked as a research assistant for one year and contributed to many NLP related projects. I focused on information retrival, question answering and data augmentation in many fields. If you are interested in my profile, please contact me for any questions and suggestions.

  • Software Development
    Python, Java, MATLAB, C/C++, HTML, CSS, JavaScript
  • Data scientist
    Large Language Models,transformer-based models
  • Machine Learning Engineer
    Prompting, Model training / tuning
  • Apr 2022 - Current
    Research Assistant (Volunteer) at USC Allegro lab
  • Apr 2020 - Nov 2020
    Software Engineer
  • Jul 2017 - Aug 2017
    Hardware Engineer Intern
  • 2016 - 2020 Bechelor
    East China University of Science and Technology
  • 2021 - 2022 Master
    University of Southern California

My work


Combined previous work with the newest trend. Inspired by scale laws paper, started to work on comparing cost of the following three methods when achieving same accuracy:1) in-context learning 2) few-shot finetuning 3) synthetic data generation with large models. Developed skills: Slurm, GitHub (maintain a project repo), CUDA, conda environment.

Worked on QuALITY (a question and answering dataset) with synthetic data augmentation. Shifted research direction after GPT-4’s emergence. Developed skills: python, PyCharm, GitHub, conda environment.


Helped with experiments complement through Python coding and method details checking. Organize the GitHub repo in the final stage.

Analyzed VLN agents by adding noise to the pretraining data. Proposed a unigram + landmark method to lower the cost of data creation and augmentation. Designed a nonsense-data augmentation method for effective VLN pretraining.

My co-2nd-auther work has been sent to the EMNLP 2023 conference.

link will be public soon

Communication system

Piano audio recognition based on MATLAB

Communication system simulation based on MATLAB platform

Audio recognition project based on sound dynamics signals (team leader)

Contact Me

  yuanhuan at usc dot edu


Feel Free to download my resume here
